High resolution of 1 mΩ, ideal for large earth/ground systems
The DET2/3 high resolution earth tester is a robust and compact automatic earth/ground) test instrument designed to measure earth electrode resistance and soil resistivity. For use on large or more complex earth systems, which include communications earth systems and difficult test environments, it can be used to test in accordance with BS 7430 (earthing/grounding), BS-EN-62305 (lightning protection), BS-EN-50122-1 (railway applications), and IEEE Standard 81. Test frequency, test current, and filtering can be quickly and easily adjusted so that adverse conditions, which can influence the test, can be overcome, and a wide band of test current frequencies, with a resolution of 0.5 Hz, can be used to eliminate errors caused by noise in the earth. With its microprocessor controlled system it provides a flexible and ‘user-friendly’ approach to earth/ground tests by the provision of excellent error detection capabilities and full test information shown on a large colour display. The DET2/3 can provide a live trace of its measurements, which graphically shows the amount of noise from the system under test - a powerful diagnostic tool for the expert earth/ground test engineer. The DET2/3 also includes an automatic frequency selection feature that scans for frequencies with the lowest noise level and then runs a test at that frequency. The selected test current frequency, test current level, and the increased filtering option are stored in memory for use in subsequent tests.